Leadership is to lead by example. I get my hands dirty. I’ve been busy trying to ensure that all school supplies and Library project materials were ship to Liberia for December.
Yesterday, six (6) barrels and few boxes consisting of notebooks, backpacks, Teachers Guide, Amazing children and adults reading books, Math/Science/English books, among other things were picked-up for today’s shipment!!! See pictures for few things being ship.
Let me also update you that we’re 99.99% certain today that students in the Rock Hill Community will have access to a decent library before year end.
During my trip to Liberia last month, I met with few great Liberian humanitarians to see how we could help… My sister said “Robert, I need some books for the library soon to be done.” I promised to assist; and I’m glad that a whole barrel of library books is on this shipment for her project and will be donated when we arrive on the ground.
Education is more than key, it’s life. Don’t underestimate the impact you can make with the little you have. Your support is greatly appreciated!!!