The Movement For Education First, Country Second / Liberia Initiative For Less Fortunate Children’s goals and objectives are to ensure that Liberian less fortunate children are provided both educational and social economic opportunities, by providing scholarships and school materials to less fortunate children and development of recreation and learning facilities for disadvantaged children. We are implementing our goals and objectives through the following initiatives:
Education: We advocate for the rights of the disadvantaged in Liberia, by working with the rightful government agency and other like-minded organizations in fighting the cause of disadvantaged children. We aim to help the Liberian government to achieve the United Nation’s MDGs, specifically Goal 2, “Achieve Universal Primary Education”. ME1C2/LILFOC FOUNDATION, INC is presently running a Scholarship Fund Drive for fifty-two (52) students of the Rock Hill Community. During Academic year 2010/2011, we were able to sponsored eight (8) students of the above mentioned community and additional eighteen (18) students were added to our scholarship initiative for academic year 2011/2012, and academic year 2012/2013 twenty-seven (27) students were added totaling a number of fifty-two (52) students for three academic years.
- Learning and Recreation: We figured that sponsoring a child’s educationally is one thing, but creating a conducive learning environment to ensure success is essential. That is why we have embarked on building community learning centers across Liberia, which will consist of a modern library, computer lab, and playgrounds. This is intended to build children of urban communities capacities in Computer, Arts Skills, and to allow them access to basic recreation. These centers will also host a playground for these children in order for them to experience the joy of playing. We also want to build up the skills of parents of these children for long term sustainability for their children, by providing vocational skills training.
During the 2011/2012 vocation, ME1C2/LILFOC FOUNDATION, INC was able to host a Reading and Spelling Class for 50 kids in the Rock Hill Community. During this two months program, kids were taught basic reading and pronunciation skills.
- Socio-Culture Exchange: This will provide less fortunate children the opportunity to experience learning and social opportunities of other societies and communities around the world. We intend to carry out field trips with our scholarship students twice a year, in order to open their minds to experiences outside of Liberia.
Advocacy: We are presently advocating for the children of the Rock Hill Community against child labor. Less fortunate children of this community, between ages 6 – 15 years old crush rocks daily for survival. This community has been our project site for the past two years. We were able to remove 5% of the kids from their crushing rock status to students, by providing them with scholarships. We intend to work with other like-minded organization to help eliminate child labor in this community and other communities around Liberia. We are presently working with the community leadership for public school in this community to help in curtailing child labor.