IT Specialist / Board Member
My name is Mapillar Dahn. A native Liberian, I immigrated to the United States when I was 14. At age 31, I wear many hats, but my favorite of all is that of mother. I am the mother of Amatullah (10), Khadeejah (9), and Hajar (5).
I am the owner and designer of Designs by Mapillar, a web, print and graphic design company. I advise businesses, organizations, and individuals on how to use the web and social media to get their brand messaging to the rest of the world and build relationships. Over the years, my work has transitioned from web design to graphic design to social media management. These days, I am more heavily involved in the social media aspect of my job due to the overwhelming success of PregnancyCorner Facebook presence. In a little over a year, I took an infant page of under 3,000 fans, with little to no engagement to right now over 1,133,000 fans and over 3M reach per week, making Pregnancy Corner the top pregnancy page on Facebook.
I did not take the traditional route when it comes to my career path. I am 100% self taught in everything that I do professionally. Even though I’ve always had a fascination with design, I went to school for my first love, Accounting. Growing up, I had a few uncles who were Accountants in Liberia and that left a lasting impression on me because all I ever wanted to be was an Accountant.
In my spare time, I am a model and actress, as well as the Assistant Publisher and Atlanta Photo Shoot Coordinator of EncoreHD Hair Magazine, an international hair, fashion, and lifestyle magazine that is currently sold in bookstores and newsstands across the US and Canada.