“Just because you are in Liberia doesn’t means you can’t achieved goals-Have you seen the opportunity, and are you prepared to seized the opportunity to make Liberia great.?”–Mahja Zeon.
Our 4th Annual Education Gala this year June was the best thus far!!! Not only did we raised a great amount, we had an amazing Young Keynote Speaker. For the last two galas, I decided to showcase young professionals and very successful Liberians who haven’t only achieved greatness ACADEMICALLY, but has also been an integral part of nation building; and my decision to recruit former Miss. Liberia Georgia, Miss. Liberia USA and Miss. West Africa, now Attorney Mahja Zeon, proved astounding!!!
My good friend didn’t disappoint. She delivered one of the best speeches I’ve heard in my life. She might be back next year gala! Lol! Folks, if you didn’t attend, please listen. Her message is for us all. Thanks to Opie Zee for such a powerful Introduction of the Keynote Speaker.
I don’t know about your Generation, but my Generation will make a great impact in Liberia.